Wednesday, November 26, 2008

4 AM!!!

Who would think that being up at 4 AM would constitute a miracle? Certianly not me. I am not a morning person, especially a 4 o'clock in the morning person, but I have been awake for 2 hours now, unable to sleep, so why not blog???
I did survive working every day last week, and now on to a less exhausting schedule. Forrest survived the 1st school play of the year-thank goodness. Now on to # two in three weeks. Just a note for those of you who were involved with Les Mis how ever many years ago that was-he is thinking of a re-do in the spring. We should have a reunion- but I told him he will not be able to top that performance. You guys were awesome!
It amazes me how time has moved on. This early morning I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with the changes in my life, and very sentimental. All of my children have been married (at one point or another), which makes me certifiably old. We should be empty nesters, but gratefully are not. In fact, our house is fuller (or should that be more full?) now than when we were raising our children. Sometimes I feel that we are busting at the seams! But how wonderful it is to have so many people to keep me going daily. I think that our Bishop is becoming concerned about the number of people here, tonight he dropped off a Turkey at our house! He said they ended up with an extra one, and interrupted me when I tried to protest. In all honesty, I was grateful. Not so much for the turkey, but for the show of support for us. That means more than any bird could ever mean. I haven't had a chance to tell Forrest about it yet-Gout here he comes! :)
I seem really wordy this morning. Maybe 4AM is a good time for me. I keep having random thoughts-like have you ever contemplated a light house? (NOw where did that come from)../ A light house has two purposes. It sends light out over the ocean to keep ships from crashing into the shore, but it is also there as a beacon to those who are lost. Like our Heavenly Fathers love for us. He sends out warnings, but He also has a beacon to help us when we are lost. How grateful I am for those beacons as I see how they have guided those I love. I think I am on the verge of becoming phylisophical (do you really expect me to spell that right at this time of the morning?????) so on that note, Good night all, and I hope you have a wonderful day.

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